If you are like me you constantly feel the need to have it all figured out, like you need to know what the next chapter holds and what it will consist of. Your anxiety and need for control gets the better of you.
Not too long ago I needed to learn what it meant to truly trust God and that not having it all figured out is okay. I learnt that trusting God does not mean having all the answers or knowing what is going to happen next. It's about trusting HIS plan and believing despite what we are going through, that we are not alone . It's coming to a place of complete surrender in both our desires and plans and choosing to trust God's path regardless of how challenging it may be.
Sometimes God allows us to go through situations which are completely out of our control, to allow us to trust him and his plan. If we were to take the current pandemic we are facing for example, nobody knows when it will end or who will be infected next. We do not know how our immune systems will react to the virus or how severe the consequences will be. All we are left with is the choice to trust God regardless of how scary it may be and know that despite the outcome, he is still God and still is in control.
Thank you so much Bradley 🤗
You are such an inspirational woman