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Writer's pictureStacy-Lee Sands

What are you letting go of?

Updated: May 11, 2020

We know that growth is an integral part of evolving. Therefore, we will all agree that as we go through different stages in our lives our perception changes, as well as the things we choose to invest our time in, our interests and often our hobbies too. However before we enter every new stage we often find ourselves preparing for it, whether it’s decluttering, proclaiming positive affirmations over your life or getting rid of things that you have been holding onto for too long. More often than we’d like we find ourselves in a position where we are still holding onto things which is either of no use or things that we just can’t let go of, because it has “sentimental value” or reminds us of a certain period in our lives. And don’t get me wrong it is okay to hold onto memories, but is it okay to hold onto something hindering you from your growth?Ask yourself how many times don’t we hold on to things which no longer serve us and now i’m speaking about matters of the heart and mind.

I’ve heard many say “I will forgive him/her but I will never forget what they did”, is that really moving on?Does retrieving that memory often contribute to your emotional and mental well-being?How does holding onto those nasty words your aunt told you a few years ago help you?How does holding onto the empty promises they made contribute to your growth?

By now it is quite clear that holding onto emotions, situations and people for longer than we are supposed to often brings more hurt and stagnation than releasing it or them does.

So starting today, let’s challenge ourselves. To let go of those things which no longer serves us growth, which hinders us from being better and being the best version of ourselves.

If you’d like to as an act of affirmation, you can write down what or who it is you are releasing and once you’ve done so tear up the piece of paper and say “I am letting go”

Today I choose to let go of the many self doubt thoughts I often tell myself as a result of failed relationships.

What are you letting go of?

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Stacy-Lee Sands
Stacy-Lee Sands
Apr 30, 2020

Thank you love💕


Stephanie Eviesen
Stephanie Eviesen
Apr 30, 2020

Love this !!

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